Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff: Lee's Gurdjieff Newsletter
Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff: Lee's Gurdjieff Newsletter Podcast
A Fire Burning

A Fire Burning

Flaubie and the Fleabites

Another song from the compilation album. This week, an old-fashioned protest song emerged from the Fleabite vaults. It’s something of the kind they listened to during the Vietnam War and, unfortunately, seems totally appropriate to today’s world.

Aside from a few sustained power chords and the bass, there are no electric instruments in this song, which features acoustic guitar, mandolin and mandocello.

 They say 
There is a fire burning
Somewhere in the heart
Where it cannot be seen     
And they say
That nothing can extinguish it
Short of death.   
Well that’s what they say

And we declare ourselves immortal
While we walk this land
Send our fire everywhere
That our flag can stand
And we burn in the deserts 
And on the mountains high
We burn in the cities
And we burn in the sky  

Will you be my partner
At the end of it all
When the sun goes out
And the angels fall
Wash me in the water
Teach me the song
To sing to the children
In this world where we don’t belong
They say
There is a fire burning
That we carry
And you know
It cannot be satisfied
By sacrifice or silence
Or innocence or prayer 

Goodness is hidden
From what we wear on our sleeves
As our fires burn down
Our houses and our trees
And nobody tries
To put out the flames
In the glare of the lights and the cameras
It’s always the same    
Will you be my partner. 
At the end of it all
Where the sun goes out
And the angels fall
Wash me in the water
Teach me the song
To sing to the children
In this world where we don’t belong


Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff: Lee's Gurdjieff Newsletter
Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff: Lee's Gurdjieff Newsletter Podcast
Musical excursions